Tuesday, 22 July 2014

5 Foods you should avoid

5 Foods you should avoid
Some of the rules of a healthy diet are fairly obvious, such as staying away from fastfood, say "no" to fried foods, and keep the chips and cookies to a minimum. Unfortunately, eating intelligently involves more than avoiding notoriously unhealthy foods.
Behind the facade of words like "organic", "fat free" and "natural", there are a number of foods that can kill a diet of calories and fill you up. Thus, we present a list of 5 foods you should avoid ; just because they sound nutritious, does not mean that the food is really good for you.


5 Foods you should avoid
The biggest mistake is to ruin a salad with vegetarian food filling it with hundreds of calories in the seasoning. "Look at the label," advises Keri Gans, registered dietitian and author of The Small Change Diet. Often the salad dressing in the restaurant has more calories than a chocolate bar. "You must add 60 calories to your salad," says Gans.


5 Foods you should avoid

Mixed fruits with frozen yogurt sounds like a foolproof healthy snack. But the dietitian Tara Miller warns against excess of a good thing. "People think that because it's fruit is healthy," he said. However, most of the beats, especially those sold in specialty stores, contains large portions of carbohydrates. Then take a small portion, and try adding vegetables to their beats wherever possible.


5 Foods you should avoid

Both the soy milk and almond milk are excellent choices for those who are lactose intolerant. But many people choose vanilla or regular sweetened varieties of these beverages, ignoring excess sugar and taking only the healthy connotations of the word "soy" or "almond". If sweetened versions are all you can tolerate, however, Miller recommends avoiding sugar, mixing a teaspoon of vanilla unsweetened tea.


5 Foods you should avoid

The granola is a food that most people consider as an option for breakfast super healthy. But the granola can also be high in sugar and low in fiber, says Gans. "When you choose the granola, please read the label carefully," she said. "Not all granolas are equal." Check your cereal or granola that you are choosing from the store shelf has at least 4 or 5 grams of fiber.

Frozen food

5 Foods you should avoid
There is an entire section of frozen options, quick meals and easy to make, and who have a low calorie count. However, many are also packed with sodium, says Angela Ginn, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition counseling Learn-2-Live. "The fixed and frozen foods can contain the sodium value of a day," it, which is about 2,300 milligrams per day said.
So do not be fooled by the words used to market foods , check the labels and look for the amounts of calories, sodium, fiber and fats. And try your best not to consume these 5 foods.

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