Sunday, 6 July 2014

Food energy to work

Food energy to work
You feel sleepy while working and his eyes tend to close? All been through this at some point, especially after lunch. To prevent this from happening to you, have on hand some of these energy foods that allow you to follow the remainder of your routine with humor.

Almonds and walnuts

Food energy to work
A handful of these nuts can prevent decrease your energy while you're working. Eat about 20 almonds in the morning to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent're sleepy afternoon. And eat about 10 walnut halves to improve your mood and your intelligence.

Low-fat dairy products

Food energy to work

The sugar in these products may provide instantaneous energy and protein containing appetite prevents feel, which is typically another cause lethargy. Therefore, it is recommended to eat low-fat yogurt with oats for breakfast. Another option is that you add milk to your morning coffee.

Avocado and olive oil

Food energy to work

Eating an avocado with a little olive oil in the morning prevents feel appetite before lunch. Monounsaturated fats contained in both cause the stomach to empty more slowly, allowing you to feel fuller. This prevents feel very hungry and will therefore be more alert.
If you do not want to sleep during your workday, do not forget these energy food for work and also enjoy some snacks to take to work , which will also help to have more energy.

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