Tuesday, 22 July 2014

5 Foods you should avoid

5 Foods you should avoid
Some of the rules of a healthy diet are fairly obvious, such as staying away from fastfood, say "no" to fried foods, and keep the chips and cookies to a minimum. Unfortunately, eating intelligently involves more than avoiding notoriously unhealthy foods.
Behind the facade of words like "organic", "fat free" and "natural", there are a number of foods that can kill a diet of calories and fill you up. Thus, we present a list of 5 foods you should avoid ; just because they sound nutritious, does not mean that the food is really good for you.


5 Foods you should avoid
The biggest mistake is to ruin a salad with vegetarian food filling it with hundreds of calories in the seasoning. "Look at the label," advises Keri Gans, registered dietitian and author of The Small Change Diet. Often the salad dressing in the restaurant has more calories than a chocolate bar. "You must add 60 calories to your salad," says Gans.


5 Foods you should avoid

Mixed fruits with frozen yogurt sounds like a foolproof healthy snack. But the dietitian Tara Miller warns against excess of a good thing. "People think that because it's fruit is healthy," he said. However, most of the beats, especially those sold in specialty stores, contains large portions of carbohydrates. Then take a small portion, and try adding vegetables to their beats wherever possible.


5 Foods you should avoid

Both the soy milk and almond milk are excellent choices for those who are lactose intolerant. But many people choose vanilla or regular sweetened varieties of these beverages, ignoring excess sugar and taking only the healthy connotations of the word "soy" or "almond". If sweetened versions are all you can tolerate, however, Miller recommends avoiding sugar, mixing a teaspoon of vanilla unsweetened tea.


5 Foods you should avoid

The granola is a food that most people consider as an option for breakfast super healthy. But the granola can also be high in sugar and low in fiber, says Gans. "When you choose the granola, please read the label carefully," she said. "Not all granolas are equal." Check your cereal or granola that you are choosing from the store shelf has at least 4 or 5 grams of fiber.

Frozen food

5 Foods you should avoid
There is an entire section of frozen options, quick meals and easy to make, and who have a low calorie count. However, many are also packed with sodium, says Angela Ginn, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition counseling Learn-2-Live. "The fixed and frozen foods can contain the sodium value of a day," it, which is about 2,300 milligrams per day said.
So do not be fooled by the words used to market foods , check the labels and look for the amounts of calories, sodium, fiber and fats. And try your best not to consume these 5 foods.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The best foods for health

The best foods for health
We know that a healthy diet provide health benefits. However, there are a number of foods (mythologized as bad) that are essential for disease prevention.
The main thing is that these foods have the ability to develop and strengthen the immune system, so that, when consumed, the incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease is lower. It also helps to improve your skin and maintain or reduce your weight.
Today's Diet Tips will show you what the best foods for health .


The best foods for health
Although many articles saying that they increase the risk of heart disease, several studies have shown that is not entirely true: the eggs have a plethora of nutrients that are not found in many foods and has been shown to prevent breast cancer, the muscle degeneration and cataracts.

Greek yogurt

The best foods for health
This yogurt is a great way to get calcium and improve the immune system, due to its content of beneficial bacteria.

Skimmed milk

The best foods for health

in addition to improving the levels of calcium, it helps decrease body fat, reduces the risk of heart disease and some cancers, eliminates joint pain (especially in the back) and prevents depression.


The best foods for health
It is a rich source of vitamin D and omega 3, and both components prevent heart disease, arthritis symptoms and improves skin health.

Lean meat

The best foods for health
Provides a large amount of iron (prevents anemia), zinc (which helps improve memory), vitamin B (which provides energy) and antioxidants (which preserves the health of the brain).
How about adding these foods to your daily diet and get a better health . And make various delicious dishes!

Major nutrient meat

Major nutrient meat
A diet rich in vegetables, legumes, seeds and grains is essential to maintain good health, but the meat, often seen as a villain, is also a nutritionally rich food and great importance in food.
Red meat contains high biological value protein and important micronutrients that are necessary for good health throughout life. Also contains a lot of fats, including omega-3 acids and essential fats.

Beef Nutrient

In general, red meat is a good source of protein, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, phosphorus, zinc and iron. The B vitamins are not easily found in foods of plant origin. So eating red meat regularly replenishes the recommended requirements.

The importance of vitamins beef

Major nutrient meat
- Vitamin B1 is important for heart health and nervous system. 
- Vitamin B2 helps your body release energy from food and is found mainly in beef and liver. 
- is also found in liver vitamin B3, it is important to build the structure of the skin. 
- Vitamin B5 is a key element in the production of red blood cells in your body and you can find it both in chicken and in beef. 
- Vitamin B6 is necessary for a healthy nervous system. 
- Vitamin B12 helps release energy from food and is important for the production of red blood cells. You can also find this vitamin in fish and dairy products. 
- In addition to vitamins, meat is a high protein food can provide all essential amino acids.

Prefer lean meats

The meat has been identified with a major cause of heart disease in recent years. As we saw, meat is an important food and like all other types of food should be consumed in a balanced way .
Stick to lean cuts and do not exceed the amount of 170 grams / day consumption. Opt for baked dishes, grilled, boiled or not to increase the calorific value and the amount of fat.

Meet foods rich in zinc

Meet foods rich in zinc
Zinc is another mineral of extreme importance for the proper functioning of our body .
This nutrient plays a key role in our body, assisting the immune system in the body's defenses, healing, improves taste, is antioxidant, helps in the formation of the fetus, works on the synthesis of DNA and participates in over 300 enzymatic reactions.
The lack of zinc causes a decrease of taste perception, loss of appetite, growth retardation, skin disorders and depression of the immune system, which facilitates the onset of the disease. If the diet provide insufficient amount of zinc during pregnancy, there may be impairment of fetal development.
Foods rich in zinc


The oyster's food champion in amounts of zinc. A single oyster provides 38 mg of zinc, and the daily requirement is around 8 mg for adults, 10 mg for children and 12 mg for pregnant women.
In addition, oysters are rich in vitamin E, great for the skin, is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, great for depression, and the heart, is a B vitamin which stimulates the brain, including the B12, which helps in combating fatigue. Contains Vitamin D is necessary for the bones and teeth, as well as potassium, iron and selenium.


Each 130 grams of beef provides 4 mg zinc. Along with 2 servings of brown rice that provides 2 mg and a serving of beans that provides 1, 15 mg, we have almost every daily necessity required.

Oat Bran

94 grams of oat bran provide 2.9 mg of zinc. Oats are a very nutritious cereal, high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and brings numerous benefits to our health.

Whole wheat bread

Eating whole foods is always a great choice when it comes to health. Very rich in fiber, whole grain bread provides 80 grams 1.6 mg zinc, and leave your rich breakfast in this nutrient, 240 grams of whole milk provides you with 1 0 mg.

Foods High in Vitamin E

Foods High in Vitamin E
Vitamin E is part of a group of eight fat-soluble vitamins which help prevent oxidative stress in the body, and other vitamins in the body . Adequate amounts of vitamin E may help protect against heart disease, cancer and eye damage related to aging (macular degeneration).
Vitamin E also protects from damage by ultraviolet radiation (UV), and some studies conducted by Martha Clare Morris, Rush University in the United States found a 67% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease in individuals with higher intakes of vitamin E through diet.

Foods rich in vitamin E

Among the foods rich in vitamin E are vegetable oils (peanut, soybean, palm, corn, safflower, sunflower, etc..) And wheat germ, which are the most important sources of vitamin E . secondary sources are nuts, seeds, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables. Some staples like milk and eggs also contain small amounts of the vitamin.Let us know the richest and should be part of their menu .

Sunflower seeds

100 grams of sunflower seeds provide all the daily needs of vitamin E, as well as many other vitamins and minerals. Eat them pure, with salads or fruit.


Toast, like milk or butter, almonds are very rich in vitamin E. But do not stop there, there are many other benefits of almonds for your health.


This appetizer so popular in Brazil contains a lot of vitamin E, but should be eaten moderately for those who want to lose weight.

Basil and oregano

You know that temperinho mainly used in pizzas? It is an excellent source of vitamin E. Sage, thyme and cumin also contain good amounts of this vitamin.

Dried apricot

A good source of fiber and many other vitamins, apricots also provide optimal levels of vitamin E.

Olive Green

Great sauce for pasta, pizza, salads, alone or with bread, olives also provide optimal amounts of vitamin E.


This blue whiting as well known drawings of Popeye, and provides a lot of energy, is a good source of vitamin E.

You know what is a balanced diet?

You know what is a balanced diet?
The human body needs over forty different types of nutrients to maintain proper operation. The concept of a balanced diet states that consuming various foods in moderation is possible to obtain all needed for tissue development, to regulate metabolic processes and adequate power to weight control ingredients.
Although all require essential nutrients and energy, their amounts differ according to the stage of life. Children have different needs to their grandfather for example, and pregnant or lactating has distinct needs of a teenage girl. The requirements also vary according to sex, especially regarding the amount of iron in the diet. Besides individual variations in lifestyle may determine different nutrient requirements.
A long distance runner in training for a marathon has nutritional somewhat different from a sedentary needs. The guy trying to lose weight need to balance the loss of calories with nutrient adequacy. The diabetic person needs a rigid nutritional plan for a balanced diet. Thus there are numerous conditions that can influence the nutrient requirements and the concept of balanced diet.
The food supply in World is extremely rich, and most individuals who have a varied diet receives nutrients in adequate quantity. However there seems to be a concern in relation to food of many Brazilians due to the fact they consume excessive amounts of processed products. This may be true, since improper handling may result in a reduction of the major nutrients and addition of some nutritional ingredients and high caloric intake, like fat and sugar.
An unbalanced diet is not due to lack of proper food, but to our feed option. To improve our habits we must learn to choose better foods.

Foods high in phosphorus

Foods high in phosphorus
Phosphorus is one of the most important minerals for the human body and the second largest amount in the body. It integrates the structure of bones and teeth, aids in metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids in muscle and also the metabolism of the nervous system. Collaborates as a constituent of many enzyme systems.
The lack of phosphorus in the body can cause bone pain, pseudofraturas, delirium, memory loss, and tachycardia. In excess the person may have mental confusion, hypertension, heaviness in the legs, strokes and heart attacks.
A balanced diet , without excesses, it is essential to maintain good levels of phosphorus in the body. Let's meet some foods rich in this mineral:

Foods high in phosphorus


Cheeses are excellent sources of protein, vitamin A and B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. 100 grams of plate provides all necessary amount of phosphorus in the day.
However, it should be consumed in moderation due to the large amount of fat found in some cheeses.


Chestnuts, both the Brazil nut as cashew nuts are foods rich in phosphorus. They are also rich in beneficial fats for the body fight cancer to be antioxidants, boost immunity, fight aging and detoxify the body.
Because they are very fattening, should also be consumed sparingly by those who want to lose weight.

Red meat

Red meat is considered by many nutritionists and physicians an essential food for the human body. Rich in proteins, also offers optimum levels of phosphate and amino acids that are not found in plant proteins. Red meat is also a source of iron, zinc, and B vitamins, especially vitamin B12 - essential for the functioning of nerve cells in the human body. Stick to lean cuts.


Rich in phosphorus, egg is an essential food for those who want a healthy body. Among its many properties, the egg helps in weight control, important food for pregnant women because it helps in the formation of the fetal nervous system, protects the memory, fighting blindness in the elderly and regulates cholesterol levels.

Vegetables and fruits

Some vegetables and fruits are also a source of phosphorus and should be part of their menu: apple, lemon, orange, tamarind, acai, fig, avocado, pepper and okra.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Meet the Paleolithic Diet

Meet the Paleolithic Diet
The Paleolithic diet is not a scheme invented, but here that the first people ate.
What is the Paleolithic Diet ?
According to Dr. Eaton, are our genes which determine our nutritional needs, our genes are identical to those of our ancestors, with the exception of 0.02%, then we should we feed in a similar manner to the first people.
The Paleolithic diet is a diet with few carbs , and it completely eliminates dairy products and cereals (bread too). Only comprises between 20 and 40% of carbohydrates and protein 20-35% and between 30 and 45% lipids. With this system you do not need to count grams of carbohydrates or calories . The main rule is to stop eating when Foods allowed on the Paleolithic Diet are:
Red meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, fruits and starch vegetables, nuts and legumes
Meet the Paleolithic Diet
Foods to eat in moderation 
oils squeezed cold, avocado, coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages and nuts.
Forbidden foods in paleodiet 
grains, legumes, dairy products, processed? or preserved, starchy vegetables (potatoes, cassava, yams, etc.), fatty meats, salty foods, sugar and soda.
In theory it is possible to eat one, two or three meals a week in which food use "prohibited" and that exceptions would facilitate adaptation to this new food pace.
The Paleolithic diet is not what our ancestors ate. It seems that some others were herbivores.
Paleolithic diet or paleodiet:
Breakfast: orange, salmon with herbs and nuts. 
lunch: salad with vegetables sauce, olive oil and lemon juice, turkey, almonds and raspberries. 
Dinner: Veal escalope seeds , mixed vegetables , melons and sunflowers .
Meet the Paleolithic Diet
During the first six months this type of diet can produce greater weight loss than traditional diets low in fat and high in carbohydrates. However, after six months, which tend to gain more weight than low-fat regimes.
Advantages of Diet Paleolithic 
This scheme prioritizes consumption of proteins , which gives a feeling of satiety quickly. 
This type of diet is easy to follow because it is not difficult to find meat, poultry, fish, eggs, seafood, fruits and vegetables .
Meet the Paleolithic Diet

The disadvantages of the Paleolithic Diet are:
This diet can meet all our nutritional needs except for vitamin D , however, its monotony makes it impractical to follow the long term.
Such a diet requires a lot of discipline and control.
It can cause the well-known accordion effect due to rapid weight loss in the first weeks.
You should always be aware of your nutritional requirements .
Persons who carry out this diet, can suffer from vitamin D deficiency in the short term. So you have to compensate the deficit of Vitamin D.
Warning: Always consult your physician before starting ums diet .

Good substitutes for dairy

Good substitutes for dairy
The dairy products offer a variety of nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, which play an important role in maintaining healthy bone density and blood pressure control.
Despite all the nutrients and benefits to dairy also has a bad reputation. Some people just do not tolerate them, while others, by their lifestyle, they decided to remove them from your diet .
If you are in any of these groups, see the dairy substitutes that you can use:

1 Milk of Almonds

Good substitutes for dairy
An alternative to milk , almond is good to use in your coffee, cereal, cooking, or as part of a meal. This creamy alternative is full of antioxidants, vitamin E, healthy fats and Omega-3. It also lacks cholesterol and saturated fats, is a low-carb option, and has fewer calories than a glass of milk. Moreover, it is easy to make at home.

2 Yogurt and Ice Cream

Good substitutes for dairy
Yogurt is a protein with very healthy probiotics. For a choice to be healthier, substitute ice cream for ice cream fruit mixed with avocado cream that will give that touch that we all love.

3 Butter

Good substitutes for dairy
Generally has a bad reputation for 12 grams of fat per tablespoon. But depending on what you use, there are different alternatives.
To cook : Change the required amount of butter in a cooking recipe for vegetable oils (such as olive oil or granola) of fruit and jam (such as applesauce). The general rule is to replace ¾ of the butter in the recipe with the liquid oil, or substitute equal parts of fruit jellies.
To grease : If your toast in the morning is not complete without the butter, substitute the peanut butter or almond butter. Are full of healthy fats for heart and offers about 8 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons.
We hope that these alternatives can help you in finding new ways to consume milk !

Properties of fruits and vegetables

Properties of fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are one of the best gifts of nature, with its varied colors and flavors. Moreover, they provide nutrients necessary for many body processes. Not only that we can get when we eat these foods, but can also help improve and prevent some diseases. So today we say the properties of fruits and vegetables.


Fruits contain many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber. These are very necessary for the digestion process and a number of functions at the cellular level and organs. Not all contain the same amount and nutrients, so it is necessary to consume a wide variety everyday.
Properties of fruits and vegetables

*Antioxidant properties

Many phytonutrients contained in fruits and vegetables are powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals. These are those that produce great harm to our body and promotes aging. Some fruits and vegetables are known as "superfoods" because they contain a lot of phytonutrients, especially antioxidants, the following stand out :

* Blackberries 

 contain flavonoids that help blood circulation and improved our immune system to defend against external agents that cause disease.

* Broccoli 

 it has lots of antioxidants, vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid, which help protect us from disease, to improve our cardiovascular health and reduce the chances of developing cancer.

* Tomatoes 

 Tomatoes contain lycopene, a potent antioxidant, with which we can protect us from free radical damage.
Properties of fruits and vegetables

Other benefits

If you eat fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer, age more slowly (for its antioxidant properties), have more energy, you can recover dehydration, you will have beautiful skin, you will reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes , hypertension and even lose weight.

How to eat them?

Now that we know the benefits of fruits and vegetables can bring us, we have to know how to consume and how much we eat.
As you add more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, the better, but it is recommended that you'd eat five fruits a day, and a considerable portion of vegetables daily.
Variety is very important because you can get different nutrients, so you should eat vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, etc..
How to eat them, you have to keep in mind that cooking will reduce the amount of vitamins that plants can offer. But that does not mean that some do not require this process to consume them clean.
Properties of fruits and vegetables

Now, what do you think of eating fruits and vegetables?

Carbohydrate diet

Carbohydrate diet
All foods we eat are a direct influence on good health and the proper functioning of our body, why it is necessary to have a healthy diet to improve our lifestyle.
For this reason it is recommended to have a diet with carbohydrates without exaggerating the consumption of these foods because the excessive consumption of it can lead to weight gain, however consume little carbohydrate can cause other health problems.
Let us mention for example both bread, pasta, rice, and in general all those foods derived from wheat, are carbohydrate foods, ideal for our health that these foods do not represent a very high percentage in our daily diet.
So it is necessary that the carbohydrate diet does not focus on those types of food mentioned above, you can change the type of food increasing as fruits and vegetables so this way regulate the metabolism of our body.
In order to be able to maintain a diet with carbohydrates, you would need to have at least 5 meals a day, of which three of them always keep fruits and vegetables forming part of each of these diets.
Following a food system in which the carbohydrate diet does not represent a higher percentage than necessary in our diet, in certain time we can stop relying so much of this type of food.

Juices and beats to lose weight

Juices and beats to lose weight
When you start a diet to lose weight, the first thing you want is to maximize the effect of diet, and often forget to slim down in a healthy way and just doing crazy diets. We must take into account that an efficient combination of elements like fruits, vegetables and cereals giving appropriate amount of calories to speed up metabolism (causing a loss of calories and hence weight loss).
The performance of the liquid diets focus lies in a series of food in a single drink, which causes an energy organically shock. That is the key of juices and beats to lose weight.
The only detail is not sweeten juices and whipped with sugar, honey or some other sweetener, as this would cause the amount of calories and increase your goal to lose weight would be inaccessible.
Nowadays we can find on the market a series of shakes or juices that can add water or milk, as applicable, will have a meal in moments. Maybe it's not a bad way to get the elimination of body weight, as they see elements added with vitamins and minerals, in addition shakes as both snapshots juices, take advantage of the quality and deceive the body, causing a feeling of satiety, to provide the necessary nutrients with few calories.
As there are many recipes for juices and beats can achieve the same result that shakes and processed juices. Just keep in mind the efficiency of combining all elements, as well as reviewing the ingredients are fresh and of quality.

Diets to detoxify the body

Diets to detoxify the body
On some occasions, we realize that without damaging our bodies with foods that actually harm, not something that we take very seriously, this can lead to the serious consequences that need special treatment.
To make a diet to detoxify the body is necessary to examine which has been our eating habits until now, if you are one of the frequent coffee consumers, and not pickled foods you exercise, this is the time to start a healthy diet.
In this diet to detoxify the body, we must eliminate in the first instance, all drinks that contain caffeine, soft drinks and even alcoholic beverages.
Instead of such beverages must consume a large amount of water, and the recommended is two liters per day which is equivalent to eight glasses of water. If we consume more than is necessary to do some sports remove excess water through transpiration.
Now, for a diet to detoxify the body to be effective, we must also eliminate the aforementioned foods and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, to help regulate the metabolic functions of our body.
Regarding meat, we introduce our diet those known as lean, eg fish, turkey and bread instead of wholemeal bread substitute.
The diet should be taken for 10 days, you will feel a sense of satisfaction and strength in the body and the body.

The truth about the elimination diet

The truth about the elimination diet
Stop eating certain foods to lose weight is nothing new but the latest trend in elimination diets is that it has little or nothing to do with weight loss. A multitude of health conscious people are resorting to elimination diets in an effort to cure everything from headaches and fatigue to skin irritations and digestive problems.

As the elimination diet works?
The truth about the elimination diet
Here's how it works: eliminate your diet the most common food related intolerances such as dairy, soy, nuts, eggs, gluten, sugar and alcohol for three to four weeks. "The goal of the elimination phase is completely rid your body of antibodies caused by foods, which takes several weeks." Then reintroduce one food at a time so there is no confusion as to foods that cause a bad reaction. Pay attention to your body after the reintroduction of a meal, not just once, but two days later, so you can connect the symptoms with food again. If ingested food does not cause any adverse reaction, go to the next possible culprit, and continue until you can identify the foods that are causing problems.
The problem is that the symptoms of food intolerance are not easy to identify. For example, the most common symptoms, such as fatigue, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, headache, mental confusion, acne, joint pain and inflammation can be attributed to anything from a bad night's sleep for a tough workout.

Why not do the elimination diet?

The truth about the elimination diet
Unless you really have a food intolerance, no health benefits associated with the elimination of healthy food groups such as dairy products and gluten. For example, if you are eliminating gluten can miss the opportunity to eat healthy whole grains.
If you decide to try an elimination diet, planning is key. "Make a shopping list for your kitchen be equipped with alternative foods." This will help ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs, but none of the items are on your list of forbidden foods. After all, even the slightest slip can skew the results.
You have attempted an elimination diet ? What are the positive or negative results that you obtained?

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Food energy to work

Food energy to work
You feel sleepy while working and his eyes tend to close? All been through this at some point, especially after lunch. To prevent this from happening to you, have on hand some of these energy foods that allow you to follow the remainder of your routine with humor.

Almonds and walnuts

Food energy to work
A handful of these nuts can prevent decrease your energy while you're working. Eat about 20 almonds in the morning to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent're sleepy afternoon. And eat about 10 walnut halves to improve your mood and your intelligence.

Low-fat dairy products

Food energy to work

The sugar in these products may provide instantaneous energy and protein containing appetite prevents feel, which is typically another cause lethargy. Therefore, it is recommended to eat low-fat yogurt with oats for breakfast. Another option is that you add milk to your morning coffee.

Avocado and olive oil

Food energy to work

Eating an avocado with a little olive oil in the morning prevents feel appetite before lunch. Monounsaturated fats contained in both cause the stomach to empty more slowly, allowing you to feel fuller. This prevents feel very hungry and will therefore be more alert.
If you do not want to sleep during your workday, do not forget these energy food for work and also enjoy some snacks to take to work , which will also help to have more energy.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Tips to get in Shape after Childbirth

tips to get in shape after childbirth
To activate blood circulation and reduce swelling, passive flexion and extension exercises of the feet, legs and thighs, as well as massage in these regions should be performed immediately after birth. It is important to maintain a correct posture, especially at the time of breastfeeding to prevent causing pain.

In relation to food, in the following days, a balanced diet that provides around 2500 calories / day is crucial to maintaining good nutritional status, for the return of weight and body contouring for good bowel function and good production of milk. Vegetable fibers are suitable for this moment and can be found in vegetables, fruits, wheat germ or wheat bran.

Drink plenty of fluids, especially milk, fruit juice and water, lots of water, because breastfeeding gives thirsty. Avoid excess sugar, refined flours and also animal fats, fried foods and condiments.

For anyone who is worried about excess weight in pregnancy, know that immediately after birth, the output of the newborn (about 3.5 kg), the placenta (plus or minus 0.5 kg), the amniotic fluid and blood (about 1 kg), a reduction occurs around 4.5 and 5.0 kg. Other additional 1.5 to 2.0 kg will be lost in the next 10 days for the disposal of liquid retained in the body throughout pregnancy.

15 tips to lose weight in a healthy and natural way

15 tips to lose weight in a healthy and natural way

15 tips to lose weight in a healthy and natural way:

 1. Keep taking the breakfast! Who makes the meal in the morning and feel more willing to eat less throughout the day. It should be light and balanced, containing whole grains and fruits.

 . 2  Browse perform 5-6 meals a day in small volumes;

3 Chew your food well and make their meals in quiet places, because it facilitates the process of digestion.;

 . 4 Do not get more than 3 hours without eating, establish regular times to make your meals; This keeps the metabolism active and increases caloric expenditure;

5. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, preferably organic. Besides being great sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and water, have a low calorific value.

. 6 Start the main meals for consumption of vegetables that are sources of fiber that promote satiety;

 7. Desserts should be from fruit, which can be baked and sprinkled with cocoa and cinnamon ..

8. Drink plenty of fluids as water, natural juices and teas. The processed juice should be avoided since it contains dyes, preservatives, flavoring agents and sugars;

 9 Replace refined grains with whole grains such as: rice, pasta, bread and biscuits, which are sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals;.

 10. Avoid fried and fatty foods. Prefer cooked preparations, baked, grilled or sauteed;

 . Avoid 11 goodies, sweets, soft drinks, canned foods, sausages and other processed products;

 12. Include in the diet quinoa and amaranth whole grain sources of tryptophan to increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that reduces binge eating. Other sources of Tryptophan are: banana, apricot and acai;

13. Use sweeteners sparingly because their receptors activates excessive consumption of glucose in the intestine, which increases blood glucose and the accumulation of fat in adipose tissue;

14. Replace the great dish for dessert. The brain associates dish filled with satiety and thus you eat less, reducing the calorific value of their diet;

15. The targeted and regular physical activity is essential, as it increases the burning of calories. Opt for a physical activity that you like. Hiking, biking and swimming are excellent choices.