Tuesday, 19 August 2014

4 Causes of Dehydration

4 Causes of Dehydration
According to the University of Connecticut, can become dehydrated by such amazing causes like our mood, mental and intellectual levels and because of the body's energy performance. Know the four main causes of dehydration that you did not expect.

1 Sofrer the diabetes

4 Causes of Dehydration
Pay attention if you get thirsty and urine often several times a day (more than usual) since among others, these symptoms are those with type 2 diabetes, and many people have high levels of blood glucose without knowing . A check-up can prevent her from getting dehydrated due to problems related to diabetes.

2 Reduction in carbohydrate intake

4 Causes of Dehydration

Think that whole grains like oatmeal, pasta and rice absorb large amount of water during cooking, so encourage your hydration. If you delete can also mean less water for your body.

3 Exercise without drinking water

4 Causes of Dehydration
If you do not control the hydration of your body after your workout can easily become dehydrated due to sweat generated by the activity and through which you lose water.

4 Dietary supplements

4 Causes of Dehydration
Watch the effects of what you take; even natural, some components, such as parsley, celery seed, dandelion and watercress have diuretic effect and can make you urinate more often and you lose more fluid.

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